Damstra Mindful Safety

Improve safety culture through mindset change

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Damstra Mindful Safety

  • Reduce TRIFR (Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate), and increase production
  • Positively change people’s belief systems
  • Align safety culture beliefs through mindfulness techniques
  • Equip your people with essential safety skills
  • Empower leaders to coach, manage, & embed effective risk management practices

Building a high-performance safety culture

Empower your people with the mindset and mental control to apply their skills to every task. Through positively changing people’s belief systems with high-performance thinking strategies, which are necessary to achieving zero harm, we create ongoing behaviour changes about safety.

Decision making capabilities directly impact the effectiveness of safety management strategies. The Mindful Safety program examines the processes that are correlated with the identification, consideration, and assessment of risk.

This is reflective of the individual’s Safety Mindset, through which safety decisions are made:

  • Risk awareness – Specifically mindful awareness of risk
  • Safety attitude – Specifically the attitudes driven by the safety culture of an organisation
  • Emotional control – Specifically the ability to make rational safety decisions
  • Safety aptitude – Specifically safety knowledge and experience
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The safety selfie

A snapshot of an individual’s safety mindset

The Mindful Safety courses are bundled and are complimented by questions that that are specifically designed to identify the individual’s safety mindset at that point in time, so actions may be taken to help or advise, if they may not have the mindset and mental control to apply their skills to every task.

This helps the individual in self-assessing where they are at, and in opening up communication to check on how they are going, and to get them back, if needed, to having the safety mindset for making safety decisions, and thus avoiding injuries.

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Mindful Safety Modules

Starter Package

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Starter Package

Worker mindful safety

  • The why of safety
  • Risk Management fundamentals
  • Mindfulness in safety

Premium Package

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Premium Package

Worker mindful safety

  • The why of safety
  • Risk Management fundamentals
  • Mindfulness in safety
  • Emotional regulation

Premium +

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Premium +

Worker mindful safety

  • The why of safety
  • Risk Management fundamentals
  • Mindfulness in safety
  • Emotional regulation
  • Safety efficacy

Pro package

Circle Tick Icon

Pro package

Leader mindful safety

  • The why of safety
  • Risk Management fundamentals
  • Mindfulness in safety
  • Emotional regulation
  • Safety efficacy
  • Safety culture
  • Mindful safety leadership

Elite package

Tick Block Icon

Elite package

Leader mindful safety

  • The why of safety
  • Risk Management fundamentals
  • Mindfulness in safety
  • Emotional regulation
  • Safety efficacy
  • Safety culture
  • Mindful safety leadership
  • High performance safety




Reduction in TRIFR



Productivity improvements

Case Study

Mindful Safety transforms safety culture & allows significant savings

International mining contractor wanted to create a safety culture at one of their operations, that could deliver both high-level safety performance & excellent productivity.

With an ineffective safety system in place, poor decision making was leading to avoidable injuries and procedural breaches. Also a negative leadership culture and disharmony in the workforce led to a lack of trust and engagement.

The Mindful Safety program was implemented using the methodology that combines traditional safety skills & structures with thinking strategies.

A roadmap & risk-based action plan was developed, workshops were held with the entire workforce focussing on high-performance thinking strategies. A Mindful Safety leadership workshop was also held, & coaching, to empower leaders to become champions of the program.

Within 12 months:

  • 64% decline in TRIFR from 24 to 8.5
  • 52 % increase in site production
  • 60% decline in the number of incidents involving unsafe acts
  • Recordable injuries decline from weekly incident to 100+ days reportable injury free within six months
  • Improved trust & morale
  • Improved worker engagement & reporting culture
  • Improved leadership maturity & alignment
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We are here to help you, with the following resources for Damstra’s Mindful Safety program:

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